Critical Review of Anti-Vaping Publication

It is a common believe that there is hard evidence demonstrating the harm of vaping: this is simply untrue: the scientific case against vaping is flawed at best, deliberately deceptive at worst. In what can only be described as an ideological crusade, evidence is regularly ignored, and simply replaced with pre-drawn conclusions, often masquerading as “concerns” or “potentials for harm.” To obfuscate the truth, 2 strategies are all but universally employed: grossly flawed experimental design, or, deliberate lack of context for experiment results. In the former case, vaping is studied in a manner that bears no resemblance to real world conditions in order to generate frightening but irrelevant data, and in the latter, the first rule of toxicology, ‘the dose makes the danger’ is deliberately ignored, in order to sensationalize any results.