The Tobacco Epidemic continues to represent the single greatest preventable cause of death worldwide. Support a healthier society by supporting the people and organizations promoting Tobacco Harm Reduction. 

Support The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association

The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and growing daily.  CASAA a consumer organization, not a trade association, dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.


Support The Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association

The Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA) is a national trade association of businesses that work in, or in service of, the vapor products industry. SFATA members represent the utmost excellence found in the American vapor marketplace and must agree to uphold SFATA Principles as a condition of membership.  SFATA members are committed to providing an alternative to combustible tobacco products for adult smokers, sell only to adults,  and not market to minors. 


Support ‘A Billion Lives’ Documentary

Award-winning director and executive producer Aaron Biebert traveled across four continents, interviewing medical doctors, scientists, technologists and policy makers from major international health organizations who are working to save the billion lives projected to be lost this century from smoking-related diseases. What he found was shocking: complete government failure, widespread corruption in the public health community, and the manipulation of both, perpetrated by the big businesses who profit from the sale of tobacco and smoking cessation drugs. Learn more about Vaping by watching A Billion Lives documentary and support a filmmaker trying to save A Billion Lives.


Support V.A.P.E. Society

The Vaping Awareness Public Education Society was founded to provide and promote facts, truth, and evidence-backed research about Vaping – the single most effective technology ever developed to combat smoking – the single most deadly preventable cause of death worldwide. You can support V.A.P.E. Society and its mission by participating in our FreedomBox Fundraiser.